- Registration Comm at Work
- Shekharji conducting the session
- Participants performing pranayam
- Performing Bhastrika
- Pranayam session
- Pranayam session (contd.)
- Doing Bhramri
- Ending of the session
- Performing Hasya-Yog
- Hasya-Yog (contd.)
- Simha posture
- Dr. Dilip Sarkar conductiong the session
- During the Yog presentation
- Yog presentation (contd.)
- Shekharji announcing the formation of the Midwest AYT Comm.
- Midwest Comm. formation (contd.)
- Brij Kamboj addressing the participants
- During the Yog presentation session
- Purna-Ahuti with Havan
- Havan (contd.)
- Arya samaj’s priest, Dilip Vidyalankarji, performing Havan
- Havan (contd.)
- Havan (contd.)
- Havan in progress
- Playing “Icebreaker/game” at the end
- Introducing each others at the game
- Shekharji, concluding the meet
- Amit & Mona Modi with Shekharji
- Amit & Mona Modi with Dr. Dilip Sarkar